Monday, 3 November 2014

Hand Printed Gift Wrap

hand printed gist wrap
Never run out of gift wrap again! Making hand-made papers is a real art form but a good cheat is to just print your own.

We always have a roll of lining wall paper for large scale kids craft projects. It's relatively cheap and means the children can really go to town creating their works of art. As it has to withstand the wallpaper paste it is also quite thick and absorbs paint well. It has a slightly fibrous texture which gives it a rustic artisan finish.

To make your own gift wrap just take the length of paper you need and let your imagination go for it! Simple sponge or even potato prints work especially well. Or select complimenting colours and use abstract patterns and designs.

Whatever designs you go for, the results are great and give gifts that real personal touch. Create matching gift tags too and your presents will have a delightful boutique feel, all for the fraction of the cost of shop bought gift wrap. I probably wouldn't have the inclination to make all my Christmas wrap like this but for one off special gifts it gives that additional creative detail.

I used water colour paints for the swirl pattern and poster paints for the potato print stars

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